How to raise resilient kids

Not all kids will develop resilience naturally. Teach them this essential skill with help from the experts at SickKids.



From newborn development through starting school, puberty and navigating the teen years, this guide to raising resilient kids offers tips and helpful advice on how to encourage resilience, identifying signs that tell you your kids are well on their way, and why parents are the most important teachers. You can find information like this and many more health-related topics in the AboutKidsHealth Newsletter approved by the healthcare providers at The Hospital for Sick Children.


Sign up to download the guide now and get more expert health information delivered directly to your inbox with the monthly newsletter from AboutKidsHealth.


1 Founded in 1959, Second City popularized the art of long-form comedic improvisation, which thrives on a two-word ethos: “Yes, and…” Performers were encouraged to follow the lead of their fellow players, embracing the chaos as they wrote live comedy in real-time.